🎶 Note of Thanks

 — (EST, UTC-05) — (EST, UTC-05)

Second Reformed Church, 2323 StadiumDrive, Kalamazoo, MI 49008

Please join us for "Note of Thanks" - An international concert of gratitude in celebration of families and friends near and far. The program presents an array of classical, modern, contemporary, and jazz composers: Antonin Dvořák, Giulio Caccini, Felix Mendelssohn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Manuel De Falla, Isaac Albeniz, Lee Morgan, and Albert Hay Malotte. **This event is free of charge, gifts and donations are greatly appreciated.

Featuring: Svetlana Stone from Latvia, soprano Avendano from Colombia, piano Lessly Cadena from Ecuador, flute Wilson David Casallas Palomo from Colombia, piano Sara Araujo from Mexico, piano Ivan Akansiima from Uganda, piano Madelaine Amezquita from Colombia, violin Sadam Rabadan Trejo from Mexico, piano