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Since childhood, I have been captivated by the magic of music! I love to sing and I believe that music has the power to bring people together, a necessity during times like these when people are struggling. Music can also help enrich people spiritually, heal them, and direct their thoughts and actions toward the positive aspects of life. We have something beautiful to share: our culture, art, feelings, friendship, and common humanity and appreciation of our differences. It does not matter what language we speak or what we look like - we are all human beings. This is the message I wish to express through my singing.


BACKSTORY: Svetlana blends her classical training with the energy and expression of jazz to create a unique sound, influenced by her homeland, her adopted homeland, and love of American culture. To celebrate this newfound synergy, Svetlana Stone has recorded  her DEBUT JAZZ album The Girl from Liepāja.  It was released December 21, 2021. 

PASSION AND INTERCULTURAL EXPRESSION: Jazz has given Svetlana a new freedom to express the cultural connection through her life’s experience between Latvia and America. The historical foundation of jazz is a story of victory over oppression that promotes peace, freedom of expression, and diversity. She believes it is important to educate and bring awareness to people that jazz is not just beautiful music, it also has the power to unite people.  Her goal is to promote cross-cultural connection and artistic diplomacy between American and Latvian culture through the uniquely American art form of jazz. 

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Svetlana is a Latvian-born lyric soprano and a multi-talented international singer and songwriter based in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  She is also the host and producer of her new show, Artist’s Voices, raising awareness about the support artists need to succeed and the diverse skills needed behind the scenes. Svetlana is a unique artist who sings in many languages, styles and genres including opera,  jazz and contemporary Christian music. Her passion is to bring people together through her music. She  received her first music degree in Music Performance, from Emilis Melngailis Liepaja Music College in Latvia. In 2021 she earned a Graduate Certificate in Music Performance and in 2023 a Master's degree in Vocal Music Performance from the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music at Western Michigan University (WMU).       

  • First Prize winner of the 2024, 6th SWISS International MUSIC Competition in the Opera Singers’ category, by TIZIANO ROSSETTI International Music Academy, Lugano, Switzerland.
  • Third Prize winner of the of the 20th Century Music Competition 2024, in the Voice category, by Charleston International Music Competition, North Charleston, South Carolina
  • Third Prize winner in the Michigan Chapter of the 2022 National Student Competition, by the National Association  of Teachers of Singing (NATS), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Second Prize in the Vocal Duets National Competition in Latvia.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Elected a member of the National Music Honor Society of Pi Kappa Lambda by the Beta Sigma chapter in 2022 for her superior academic accomplishments, her outstanding musical and artistic achievements, and her leadership in musical endeavors and careers. 
  • In 2022, she was a member of the Western Michigan University Gold Company, an internationally award-winning vocal jazz ensemble. 
  • Among her numerous awards and distinctions Svetlana has twice received Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation Scholarship Awards and grants from Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo. She worked with the New York Voices, coached by world-class musicians such as Kim Nazarian, Lauren Kinhan, Darmon Meader, Greg Jasperse, and Peter Eldridge.
  • Svetlana was recognized as Marquis WHO’S WHO 2024 Honored Listee for her professional accomplishment. She received a semiannual Make a Difference” award from Western Michigan University in 2022 and nominated for the 2023 “Make a Difference” Annual Award.  
  • She was invited to the XIV International Latvian Young Musicians Master Class, "Mūzikas interpretācija mūsdienās" and honored to work with Inga Slubovska-Kancevica, one of the leading singers of the Latvian National Opera. 
  • She performed at the first U.S. Latvian Song and Dance Festival in Minnesota in Summer 2022 as a member of the Latvian choir of Kalamazoo.



New single "Created to Shine" out Dec 16

Created to Shine

Svetlana Stone

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Created to Shine

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"Created to Shine" is available for purchase and streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube, and Deezer or wherever you listen to the music you love.

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Svetlana's original, Created to Shine, is meant to comfort anyone who has ever felt misunderstood or that they were not good enough. It is for those who long for acceptance, light and hope. This song reminds each listener that God created you to shine through your actions, wherever you are right now. The world may pressure you to fit in, but He encourages you to never dim your inner light. Know that you are precious and you are loved. God accepts you exactly the way you are. So shine! This is why you were created. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

 *Svetlana recorded this single with:  pianist - Ivan Akansiima,  violinist - Renata Artman Knifik, bassist - and string arrangement Tom Knific. Artwork: Sarah Joshi. Photo: Mark Bugnaski.

If Nothing Has Changed

Svetlana Stone

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If Nothing Has Changed

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Svetlana’s original, If Nothing Has Changed, is inspired by her strong desire to encourage, uplift, and support those going through challenging times, feeling discouraged, or struggling in their daily lives. This song is about choosing to see the light during difficult times in our lives. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out

Svetlana’s original, If Nothing Has Changed, is inspired by her strong desire to encourage, uplift, and support those going through challenging times, feeling discouraged, or struggling in their daily lives. This song is about choosing to see the light during difficult times in our lives. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." Even though our circumstances may not change, we always have the ability to change our mindset and our perspective and share that light with those who may need it. “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” Ephesians 4:23 NLT

“If Nothing Has Changed” is now available for purchase and streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube, and Deezer or wherever you listen to the music you love.

*Svetlana recorded this single with pianist and piano arrangement Wilson David Casallas Palomo, violinist Renata Artman Knifik, and bassist and string arrangement Tom Knific. Artwork: Izabella Wells

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Ja Tev Nekas Nav Mainījies

Svetlana Stone

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Ja Tev Nekas Nav Mainījies

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Svetlanas oriģinālmūziku “Ja Tev nekas nav mainījies” iedvesmo viņas spēcīgā vēlme iedrošināt, pacilāt un atbalstīt kādu, kurš pārdzīvo sarežģītu situāciju un jūtas ne pārāk motivēts vai cīnās savā ikdienas dzīvē. Kā teica Dr. Martins Luters Kings: “Tumsa nevar izdzīt tumsu; to spēj tikai gaisma." Pat ja mūsu apstākļi nekad nemainīsies, mums ir

Svetlanas oriģinālmūziku “Ja Tev nekas nav mainījies” iedvesmo viņas spēcīgā vēlme iedrošināt, pacilāt un atbalstīt kādu, kurš pārdzīvo sarežģītu situāciju un jūtas ne pārāk motivēts vai cīnās savā ikdienas dzīvē. Kā teica Dr. Martins Luters Kings: “Tumsa nevar izdzīt tumsu; to spēj tikai gaisma." Pat ja mūsu apstākļi nekad nemainīsies, mums ir iespēja mainīt savu domāšanu un dalīties šajā gaismā ar tiem, kam tas ir vajadzīgs. "Tā vietā ļaujiet Garam atjaunot jūsu domas un attieksmi." Efeziešiem 4:23 JDT

Singls “Ja Tev nekas nav mainījies” tagad ir pieejams iegādei un straumēšanai vietnēs Spotify, Apple Music, ITunes, Amazon, Pandora, YouTube un Deezer vai jebkurā vietā, kur klausāties savu iecienīto mūziku.

*Šis singls tapis sadarbībā ar: pianists Wilson David Casallas Palomo, vijolniece Renata Artman Knific un basģitārists Tom Knific. Uz latviešu valodu tulkojusi komponiste: Dace Aperāne. Mākslinieciskais noformējums: Izabella Wells

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The Girl from Liepāja

Svetlana Stone

Svetlana Stone is from Liepāja, Latvia, a scenic town on the Baltic Sea. As a girl, growing up along the beautiful Baltic coast, she loved walking along the beach in the summer sun, enjoying the cooling sea breeze. Daydreaming about life ahead, she never imagined discovering a passion for singing jazz. Walk with Svetlana as she rekindles her

Svetlana Stone is from Liepāja, Latvia, a scenic town on the Baltic Sea. As a girl, growing up along the beautiful Baltic coast, she loved walking along the beach in the summer sun, enjoying the cooling sea breeze. Daydreaming about life ahead, she never imagined discovering a passion for singing jazz. Walk with Svetlana as she rekindles her passion through these songs, bringing to life memories of her beautiful home town.

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Svetlana's interpretations of jazz standards on her album "The Girl from Liepāja" sparkle and convey each song's mood with expression and charming ease. Her singing is rich in tone and blends very well with the attractive musical arrangements. ” - Dace Aperāne/Composer

praise for svetlana

“Svetlana sings and writes music the way she lives life; with open arms, a warm heart, and a sparkle in her eyes. She's not afraid to share her truth with anyone and everyone willing to listen. It's time to see her, hear her, and welcome her. To know her is to love her........not only a fine musician, but the best of humans.” - Kim Nazarian/NYVoices

“Svetlana possesses an absolutely beautiful lyric soprano voice that she can adapt to many musical purposes… No matter what she is singing, she always engages the audience. Svetlana is like a ray of sunshine in any group. She always has a positive attitude and infectious energy.” - Carl Ratner/ Professor Emeritus of Voice and Director of Opera for the Irving S. Gilmore School of Music at WMU


“Svetlana's album is a blessing. When she sings, it's as if we can see right into her soul, character, and heart. Her voice is rich, powerful, and full of emotion.The lyrics of her songs are not only beautiful, but they also carry an inspiring message that touches the hearts of all who listen.” - Pastor Andrey Chebotarev/Labā Vēsts/Good News church/Riga, Latvia

“Many musicians artfully produce pleasing sounds. The music composed and preformed by Svetlana Stone emerges from a much deeper source. Her compositions and performances resonate with convictions from her soul. Her music guides, instructs and inspires listeners with a passion for living their best lives, while urging them to be a blessing to others. Experience her music and share it with your friends.” - Dr. Mark Poppen, Second Reformed Church, Kalamazoo, MI

“...It t was a joy for me to work with Svetlana on the Latvian translation of her moving and lyrical song "If Nothing Has Changed". I wish Svetlana all the best in sharing her love of music with listeners in her native Latvia and those in America!” - Dace Aperāne/Composer



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